Cypress Framework Design - Project!
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Course overview
Learn how to build a complete Cypress framework that uses Page Object, Multi browsers, Multi Environment, API test data generation, Reporting, Run test in parallel, CI/CD with Github actions and many more.
Certification included
Learn to use all the related tools, walk into a job and be a rockstar from day one. The skill you need to become a real professional. Learn the tools used by the world's top professionals. Boost your confidence, master the field.

What's included?
Page object design techniques
Page factory
Support multi browser
Support multi environments
Rest Assured integration.
POJO Classes
Allure Reporting
Github Actions
What you will build
A complete page object framework that covers all the best practices in the industry, you will learn how to build a scalable, maintainable framework from scratch with any copy and paste. We will explain every like of code.
What you will get
You will have the complete support from the instructor, and you will be added to a whatsapp group related to this course where you will have your questions answered on fly. At the end of this course you will get the repository of the framework and a certificate that you can add in your protfolio.
Course Lessons
معلومات عن المدرب
حاتم حتامله
خبير في عالم فحص السوفتوير بخبره اكثر من ١٠ سنوات في شركات عالميه في اوروبا، يعمل حاليا في شركه ميرو الامريكيه. بالاضافه الى ذلك حاتم له خبره ٥ سنوات في تعليم فحص السوفتوير باللغه العربيه والانجليزيه لاكثر من ٩٠٠٠ طالب وطالبه.
Patrick Jones - Course author